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Zero to Master Program

Software Testing

Design training is crucial in today's world, where aesthetics and user experience play pivotal roles in the success of digital products. Mobile applications, in particular, rely heavily on well-thought-out design principles to attract and retain users. Understanding design fundamentals such as typography, color theory, layout, and user interface (UI) design is essential for creating visually appealing and user-friendly mobile apps. Moreover, proficiency in design tools and software, such as Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma, is often required for effective collaboration and implementation of design concepts. By honing their design skills, software developers can create mobile apps that not only function seamlessly but also delight users with intuitive and visually appealing interfaces, ultimately contributing to the success of the product.





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This is where you embark on an amazing journey!

Most flexible program in the industry

Freedom to learn

Watch classes any time at your convenience

Cheat days

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Features that keep you going

A structured curriculum that makes learning easy

Practice code problems of varying difficulty

Engagement coach to keep you motivated

Compile & run in an integrated coding environment

Get doubts resolved in 30 mins

1:1 sessions over voice call & chat with our skilled teaching assistants

Industry leading mentors to help you grow

1:1 Mock interviews with resume and career guidance

Structured feedback to make you better

Get a chance to be referred to your mentors’ company

Experience a seamless job switch with hiring assistance

Skill-based hiring across all levels of experience

The results


Average salary hike


Transitions to product companies


Trusted placement partners

Frequently asked but seldom read questions

Yes, this course is entirely offline, and we offer some courses online as well.

Software testing is crucial as it helps identify defects or bugs in the software, ensuring that the application is reliable, functional, and meets user expectations.

Submissions are evaluated based on criteria such as correctness, completeness, critical thinking, and adherence to instructions, typically using rubrics or grading guidelines provided by the instructor.

In our software testing training course, you will learn various testing techniques, methodologies, tools, and best practices used in the industry. This includes manual testing, automated testing, test planning, execution, defect tracking, and reporting.

Meet the faculty legends that will make you legendary

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Praveen Kumar

Founder & Instructor

Praveen has a full stack development experience and professional instructor and trainer for Flutter, Data Science, Machine Learning and Python Programming. Over the course of his career he has developed a skill set in analyzing data and he hopes to use his experience in teaching and data science to help other people learn the power of programming, the ability to analyze data, and the skills needed to present the data in clear and beautiful visualizations.

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Lenin Prakash

Co-Founder & Instructor

He is an expert in JavaScript & React (Front-end) and has worked on open-source projects like Firebug and Zulip. He has also served as a GCI (Google Code-In) Mentor with Zulip. In his previous role as a Software Engineer he has worked for Goibibo-MMT.

Course curriculum for the curious

  • -Introduction to Manual Testing
  • -Defect
  • -Types of Software Testing

  • -Waterfall model
  • -Spiral model
  • -Verification & Validation model
  • -Prototype model
  • -Derived model
  • -Hybrid model

  • -Path testing
  • -Conditional testing
  • -Loop testing
  • -Unit testing
  • -Testing the code from memory point of view
  • -Testing the code from performance point of view
  • -White Box Testing vs Black Box Testing

  • -Functional testing
  • -Integration testing
  • -System testing
  • -Acceptance testing
  • -Smoke testing
  • -Globalization testing
  • -Ad-hoc testing
  • -Compatibility testing
  • -Exploratory testing
  • -Regression testing

  • -Blocker defect
  • -Critical defect
  • -Major defect
  • -Defect Report Template
  • -Defect Tracking Tool: JIRA Tool

  • -Scrum model
  • -Sprint Planning Meeting
  • -Scrum Master
  • -Scrum meeting
  • -Sprint Retrospective meeting
  • -Bug triaging meeting
  • -Product Backlog Grooming

  • -Test Plan Template

  • -Test case template
  • -Test Case Review Process
  • -Black Box Test Case Design Technique

  • -Software Testing Life Cycle

  • -Selenium WebDriver Architecture
  • -How to install Java on Windows OS
  • -How to install Eclipse IDE on Windows
  • -How to Setup Selenium WebDriver in Eclipse IDE
  • -How to run Tests on Different Browsers

  • -Maven Introduction and Installation
  • -How to Manage Dependencies with Maven

  • -How to use WebDriver Manager
  • -How to Write First TestCase in Selenium
  • -WebDriver Interface
  • -Basic Methods in WebDriver Interface

  • -Locators in Selenium WebDriver
  • -Different Types of Locators

  • -Introduction to XPath
  • -Relative Vs. Absolute XPath
  • -XPath Starts-with Function
  • -XPath Contains Function
  • -XPath text() Method
  • -XPath AND Operator vs. XPath OR Operator
  • -XPath Axes Methods: Parent, Child, Self
  • -Axes Method descendant, descendant-or-self
  • -XPath Axes following, following-sibling
  • -XPath Axes preceding, preceding-sibling

  • -Introduction to CSS and CSS Selector
  • -CSS Selector using Class Attribute
  • -CSS Selector with Multiple Attributes
  • -Direct Child or Sub-child Elements
  • -Next Sibling, Adjacent Sibling Combinator
  • -First-Child, Last-Child, Nth-Child, Nth-Last-Child

  • -Handle Dropdown in Selenium
  • -Handle Checkbox in Selenium
  • -Select Radio Button in Selenium
  • -Handle Frames in Selenium
  • -Handle Alert Popup in Selenium
  • -Handle Multiple Windows in Selenium
  • -Perform Mouse Hover in Selenium
  • -Perform Drag and Drop in Selenium
  • -Handle Resize Widget in Selenium
  • -Automate Slider in Selenium
  • -Perform Right Click in Selenium
  • -Perform Keyboard Events in Selenium
  • -Take Screenshot in Selenium
  • -Handle Authentication Popup in Selenium

  • -Implicit Wait
  • -Explicit Wait
  • -Fluent Wait

  • -Install TestNG in Eclipse IDE
  • -Write Test Cases Using TestNG
  • -TestNG Annotations, BeforeMethod vs BeforeTest
  • -Use Assertion in Selenium TestNG
  • -SoftAssert vs HardAssert
  • -Group Test Cases in TestNG, Grouping
  • -To Create Test Suite in TestNG
  • -To Skip Test Cases in TestNG
  • -TestNG Annotations, BeforeGroups, BeforeClass
  • -TestNG Annotations, BeforeSuite and AfterSuite
  • -DataProvider in TestNG, Data Driven Testing
  • -Use DataProvider in TestNG Selenium
  • -TestNG Listeners

  • -History
  • -Features

  • -Post install Configuration
  • -Compiling and executing
  • -Variables and arrays
  • -Create packaged classes
  • -Writing a simple program
  • -Data types
  • -Using Eclipse
  • -Eclipse shortcuts

  • -Arithmetic operators
  • -Boolean operators
  • -Logical operators
  • -Binary operators

  • -Branching statements
  • -Iterative statements
  • -Break & Continue with enhancements
  • -While
  • -For
  • -Do..While
  • -Goto Statement
  • -Break and Continue Statement

  • -Basics of OOPs
  • -Fundamentals of class & object
  • -New keyword
  • -Reference variables
  • -Member methods of a class
  • -Constructors
  • -Finalize method
  • -Overloading member methods
  • -Overloading constructors
  • -Passing and returning objects with methods
  • -Access control
  • -Static methods
  • -Static variables
  • -Static block
  • -Using final keyword
  • -Unit testing using Junit-5

  • -Basics of inheritance
  • -Members accessibility in inheritance
  • -Using super keyword
  • -Multilevel inheritance
  • -The sequence of execution of constructors in inheritance
  • -Method overriding
  • -Dynamic method dispatch
  • -Abstract classes
  • -Preventing overriding
  • -Preventing inheritance

  • -Fundamentals of exceptions
  • -Types of exceptions
  • -Using try and catch keywords
  • -Multiple catches
  • -Nesting of try blocks
  • -Using throw keyword
  • -Using throws keyword
  • -Finally block
  • -Some predefined exceptions and their usage
  • -User defined exceptions

  • -Purpose of interface
  • -Defining an interface
  • -Implementing interfaces
  • -Interface reference variables
  • -Interface with variables
  • -Extending interfaces

  • -Basics of threads
  • -Java threaded model
  • -Defining threads using Runnable interface
  • -Defining threads using Thread superclass
  • -Multiple threads
  • -Thread priority values
  • -Thread synchronization using synchronized methods
  • -Thread synchronization using synchronized blocks

  • -Using String class
  • -Using java.lang package
  • -Working with Data & Time
  • -Utility framework
  • -Collection framework
  • -I/O framework

  • -What is a database?
  • -Why use a database?
  • -What is DBMS?
  • -Types of DBMS
  • -Introduction to SQL
  • -Database vs. DBMS vs. SQL vs. MySQL
  • -MySQL Installation

  • -Creating database
  • -Use and Drop database
  • -Introduction to tables
  • -Introduction to data types
  • -Data types
  • -Numeric data types
  • -String data types
  • -Date and time and other data types

  • -Introduction to SQL sublanguages
  • -Creating tables and describing its structure
  • -DML: INSERT part-1
  • -DML: INSERT part-2
  • -Null and Not Null constraints, altering default behaviour
  • -DQL: Select
  • -DCL: Commit, Rollback, Savepoint
  • -DML: Working with Update and Delete commands

  • -Where Clause
  • -Introduction to MySQL Operators and their usage
  • -MySQL Warnings vs Errors
  • -Comparison Operators part-1
  • -Logical AND and other comparison operators

  • -BETWEEN AND and NOT BETWEEN AND, OR Operator in Logical Operators
  • -IN and NOT IN Operator

  • -LIMIT
  • -LIKE
  • -MySQL workbench installation
  • -Working with MySQL workbench

  • -Introduction to aggregate functions
  • -Count
  • -Group By
  • -Min and Max
  • -Group by with Min and Max
  • -SUM And AVG
  • -Group by with SUM and AVG
  • -Subqueries
  • -Exporting MySQL Databases
  • -Importing MySQL Databases

  • -Char vs Varchar
  • -Integer data types (SMALLINT, TINYINT,..)
  • -Float vs Decimal
  • -Working with Date and Time
  • -Date functions
  • -Time functions
  • -Formatting dates
  • -Operations on dates
  • -Datetime vs Timestamp
  • -Automatic initialisation and Updating for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME

  • -Why JOINS?
  • -Introduction to JOINS

  • -History and Importance of HTML
  • -Basic HTML syntax
  • -The current state of HTML
  • -HTML resources
  • -Choosing a code editor
  • -Exploring an HTML document
  • -DOCTYPE declarations
  • -Document head
  • -Understanding content models

  • -Formatting content with HTML
  • -Headings
  • -Paragraphs
  • -Whitespaces
  • -Images

  • -Unordered lists
  • -Ordered lists
  • -Definition lists

  • -Anchor element
  • -Page internal linking
  • -Linking to external pages
  • -Linking to downloadable
  • -Linking to page regions

  • -Introduction to forms and their importance
  • -Form structure and basic form elements
  • -Text inputs, textareas, and buttons

  • -Radio buttons and Checkboxes
  • -Select dropdowns and file uploads
  • -Hidden inputs and labels

  • -HTML overview
  • -Default browser styles
  • -Browser support and inconsistencies
  • -Inline, internal and external CSS
  • -Naming conventions

  • -Syntax, terminology, and naming conventions
  • -Type, class, and id selectors
  • -Combinator selectors
  • -Selectors: Best practices

  • -Web-safe fonts and the font-family property
  • -Web fonts and Google fonts
  • -The font-size property
  • -The font-style and font-weight properties
  • -The color, line height, and text properties
  • -Adjusting the font-weight property

  • -Block vs. inline display
  • -The box model
  • -Margin and page layout
  • -Padding
  • -Floats
  • -The box model fix
  • -Box model review
  • -Float and display review
  • -Horizontal navs with the display property
  • -Horizontal navs with the float property
  • -Positioning
  • -Float, display, and position
  • -Layers and the z-index property

  • -CSS grid
  • -CSS Flexbox
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